Universal & Nature Intelligence Essence Cards #2


This deck of 56 powerful channelled Essence Cards and their spiritual affirmations will help you to open up your intuition, expand into your potential and live your purpose with ease and flow here on Earth.

Choose a new Essence each morning or whenever you would like some support, and its powerful energy will empower and uplift you throughout the rest of the day.

No matter what is going on in your life, and no matter how challenging this may be, you are always deeply loved and supported by Nature and the Universe, and these Essences give you a simple way to receive their healing, teaching and creating energies.

See below for more more details on the Essence Sets that are included in this collection.

Soon also available to purchase from the UK


In Collection #2 are:

  • The Alignment Essences, supporting you to release resistances, realign with your authentic Self and reconnect with Source.
  • The Creating Essences, supporting you to tap into your ability to co-create with multi-dimensional energies to manifest what you’d love.
  • The Expansion Transformation Essence Set, supporting you to move through transformation and expansion with ease, grace and flow.
  • The One World Essences, supporting you to open up to and manifest a new world of love, joy, peace and harmony with all.
  • The Purpose, Path & Direction Essences, supporting you to open up to your channel, share your message and live your purpose.
  • The Universal Codes, supporting you to take a quantum leap into your next level frequency of ascension, empowerment and abundance.
  • A Guide to Using the Essence Cards to support you to tap in the wisdom and Intelligence of Nature and the Universe with confidence and ease.


>> In Collection #1 are Essences that can support you to thrive physically, emotionally and spiritually. Both Collections are available to purchase together.

>> For all enquiries, email hello@janinethorp.com.