Universal & Nature Intelligence Essence Cards #1


This deck of 57 powerful channelled Essence Cards and their spiritual affirmations will help you to meet your physical and emotional experiences in life with ease, grace and flow, open up your intuition and support you to thrive here on Earth.

Choose a new Essence each morning or whenever you would like some support, and its powerful energy will empower and uplift you throughout the rest of the day.

No matter what is going on in your life, and no matter how challenging this may be, you are always deeply loved and supported by Nature and the Universe, and these Essences give you a simple way to receive their healing, teaching and creating energies.

See below for more more details on the Essence Sets that are included in this collection.

Soon also available to purchase from the UK


In this Collection #1 are: 

  • The EarthLight Essences, supporting you to thrive as an infinite being having a human life experience.
  • The Light of the Angels Essences, supporting you to connect and to communicate with the Angels and Archangels.
  • The Nature Essences, supporting you to have a strong, healthy and whole energy field and a bright and vibrant aura.
  • The Chakra Clear Essences, supporting you to have clear, healthy, flowing and vibrant chakras and energy field.
  • The Body Stability Essences, supporting you to restore balance, stability, wellbeing and vitality to your body.
  • The Inner Child Essences, supporting you to reconnect with the joy, strength and enthusiasm of your inner child.
  • The Inter-Person Light Essences, supporting you to have light-filled and loving relationships with yourself, with others and with the Universe.
  • Guide to Using the Essence Cards to support you to tap in the wisdom and Intelligence of Nature and the Universe with confidence and ease.

>> In Collection #2 are Essences that can support you to open up to your spiritual gifts and live your purpose. Both Collections are available to purchase together.

>> For all enquiries email hello@janinethorp.com