Emergency Trauma Essence

The Emergency Trauma Essence is a perfect support for when you find yourself unexpectedly experiencing a trauma response  – or for when you find yourself dealing with an unexpected and stressful event, circumstance or situation and feel overwhelmed, angry, powerlessness, frustrated, confused or panicked. 

The unique balancing and stabilising frequencies of this channelled essence can help to restore your sense of balance and stability, and support your ability to function well, physically, emotionally and mentally, no matter what is going on within you or around you. 

Click the link below to purchase your Audio Download plus a Guide teaching you more about how you can use it.


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When you are confronted with a stressful situation, or when you unexpectedly experience something in your environment that triggers a trauma response within you, your body’s electrical and nervous systems can become overwhelmed and their smooth functioning can become interrupted and dysregulated.

For example this can be when being confronted with unexpected or shocking news, or when you experience a shocking or unexpected event, circumstance or situation in your life or in the world around you – that you don’t feel mentally, emotionally or energetically ready or equipped to deal with.

This can be big or small, serious or fleeting. However even though something may seem to someone else to be something minor, it may be actually having a major impact on your body and your ability to function.

The Emergency Trauma Essence addresses the impact of this experience on your body, and on your emotions and ability to think clearly. 

It can help you to start processing your initial stress and trauma response to the experience, so that you can feel safe, think clearly and move forward. 

It can help to strengthen, rebalance and restabilise your electrical and nervous systems, restore coherence in your body, emotions and thoughts, and supports you to release feelings of overwhelm or powerlessness so that you can function again, and return to a greater sense of flow and confidence in your ability to cope with what life throws at you.


Click the link below to purchase your Audio Download plus a Guide teaching you more about how you can use it.


>> Click here to purchase



Q. What is the difference between the Rescue Remedy Essence and the Emergency Trauma Essence?

A. Both of these Essences support us when old, deeply held and unhealed traumas become triggered, causing stress, overwhelm, anxiety, fear, anger or panic. However the Rescue Remedy Essence is primarily healing and nurturing, whereas the Emergency Trauma Essence is primarily balancing and stabilising – and so they both address different aspects and support us in different ways as we move through and process our experiences. 

Q. How often do I need to make a new Emergency Trauma Essence?

A. You can make this Essence and continue to use the same ‘download’ for as long as the water remains fresh enough to drink. 

Q. Do I have to listen to the audio each time I make a fresh Emergency Trauma Essence?

A. No. Once you are familiar with the experience and have made the Essence several times already, you can simply play the audio near to the water, with the intention that the water is for the Essence to be grounded into, while you carry on doing other things.

Q. Can I also make this Emergency Trauma Essence for other people?

A. Yes. The same Essence that you make for yourself is also suitable for other people.