Rescue Remedy Essence

Release the stress, anxiety, overwhelm, exhaustion or panic that can be triggered by so many experiences in life, with the unique healing frequencies of this channelled Rescue Remedy Essence.

Click the link below to purchase your Essence plus a guide teaching you more about how you can use it.


>> Click here to purchase



This channelled Rescue Remedy Essence provides you with a unique combination of the healing frequencies and healing patterns of Nature and the Universe – that together can gently and powerfully support you to release the stress, anxiety, exhaustion, overwhelm and panic that are related to past deeply held and unhealed hurts and traumas.

It is primarily healing in nature, and can support you with both acute experiences of stress, as well as with chronic, long-term stress.

To make it, all you need to do is provide a glass of bottle of fresh water, and then simply play the Audio and allow the Rescue Remedy Essence to infuse into the water while listening to the guidance shared.

Each time you make this Essence, it will be channelled and created specifically for you.

It will come in as a perfect vibrational match to support you with the challenges and stresses that you’re experiencing, to support you in your healing, and so that you can feel balanced, stable and connected again, aligned with your own flow and centred in your own space.

Click the link below to purchase your Audio plus a simple guide teaching you more about how you can use it.


>> Click here to purchase



Q. What is the difference between the Rescue Remedy Essence and the Emergency Trauma Essence?

A. The Rescue Remedy Essence is primarily healing in nature for when a deeply held and unhealed trauma becomes triggered; and the Emergency Trauma Essence is primarily balancing and stabilising for when a more lightly held and somewhat healed trauma response becomes triggered.

Q. How often do I need to make a new Rescue Remedy Essence?

A. You can make this Essence and continue to use the same ‘download’ for as long as the water remains fresh enough to drink and life has continued much the same as before. However if you have experienced something quite new or different in your life, or if you made significant changes, or been through a transformation of any kind, then it’s better to make a new ‘download’ so that it is relevant for your current energetic, emotional and mental state. If in doubt, make it afresh.

Q. Do I have to listen to the audio each time I make a fresh Rescue Remedy Essence?

A. No. Once you are familiar with the experience and have made the Essence several times already, you can simply play the audio near to the water, with the intention that the water is for the Essence, while you carry on doing other things.

Q. Can I also make this Rescue Remedy for other people?

A. Yes with their permission, or for those whose well-being you are responsible for, eg your children. Simply have the intention that it is coming in for the person you want to make it for. Make a separate one for each person.