Creating Your Natural Business

A 12 week program for conscious, creative and intuitive entrepreneurs who want to create a better, more natural way of life, by doing business in a new way.


Learn how you can create your own natural and intuitive business that’s fully aligned with your authentic self and with what’s important to you, and that allows you to make your unique difference in the world while creating the prosperity, joy and freedom you desire.




Your business has a blueprint that can give you the essential information you need to be able to create a business that’s fully aligned with you, is coherent, and with which you can make a bigger difference in the world while creating a life that you love.

By discovering your business’s unique blueprint, and combining it with the unique traits that make you You, you can create a business that’s in flow and a joy to spend time in.

You can create a business that opens up possibilities that you haven’t even thought of yet, unlock your untapped-into potential, and allow your gifts and your message space to be shared, created or expressed in new and ever more aligned ways.

When you recognise that your business is not only an expression of who you are, but that it is also an entity and being in its own right with whom you can be in co-creative partnership, you open up to being in even bigger contribution in the world.

In this 12 week program, you will be with an intimate group of like-minded people, learning how to tune into, align with, embody and anchor your own natural and intuitive business that’s fully aligned with you and with your unique Spiritual Design.

You’ll also be learning how to create and manifest using the Spiritual Design Map, as well as how to embody and anchor your creations using the Body Ready System, so that you can move forward feeling connected, balanced and stable.

What you’ll receive:

  • A group call each week for 12 weeks – so that you can learn how to create a Natural Business that’s fully aligned with you and with your unique Spiritual Design, and is integrated and supported by your whole body.
  • Replays to all calls – so that you listen again to receive even more.
  • Access to our online Creating Your Natural Business Resource – so that you have access to all the information and resources you need.
  • A private What’s App group – so that you can stay connected, receive support and celebrate your wins within an intimate group of like-minded people.

Date & Time: 
Official Start: Tuesday, 21st January at 11am GMT, and every Tuesday for 12 weeks

You will need to have at least a starter kit of DoTerra essential oils, as these can greatly contribute to the ease with which you can become more grounded and expanded, balanced and stable. If you don’t have these, please chat with Janine or Liz about how you can get them.

Option 1: Pay in full €2,000
>> Please click here
Option 2: Pay in 3 monthly instalments of €780
>> Please click here
Option 3: Trial Month €900 (then if you would like to continue, 2 payments of €720)
>> Please click here

If you have any questions, or would like to have a chat about it with either Janine or Liz, please email or, and we will be happy to help. 🙂



About your Facilitators

Janine Thorp is the founder of Spiritual Design, and author of the  Universal & Nature Intelligence Essence Cards, the Spirit of Nature Essential Oil Essence Cards and other Essences. She empowers empaths, intuitives, creatives and entrepreneurs to connect with their intuition, feel clear and confident with their spiritual gifts and to open up to their potential so that they can create the freedom, joy and abundance they long for. You can find out more about Janine’s work at

Liz Svensson is the founder of the Wholehearted Health Program, the Body Connection Points and the MetaPWR Empowerment Programs. She supports conscious women who are feeling stuck with never-ending to-do lists, to refocus on themselves and reclaim their own life so that they have the confidence to create the joy, fulfilment and freedom they desire. You can find out more about Liz’s work at