Business by Spiritual Design

A 3 month program for conscious and creative entrepreneurs who want to create an abundant business and life, fully aligned with their authentic self, that allows them to live their purpose in harmony with Nature.





We know that you would love to have a fulfilling business that is joyful and in harmony with Nature, in which you can share your gifts and message, attract and connect with your ideal clients and customers, and that gives you an abundant income that can easily support the lifestyle you desire.

You may have tried many ways to move forward, to create a bigger income, to reach the people you know you can help, to live your purpose and to follow your dreams.

You might have had sporadic success but the sustainable growth that you long for hasn’t worked out – and this may have felt draining, frustrating and sometimes even boring.

Business by Spiritual Design‘ is for those who love to work at the level of energy, frequency and vibration.

It is for women who are ready to open up to their potential and to having success in their own unique, authentic and natural way, reaching more people, making more money and living a lifestyle that they love.

Throughout this 3 month program, we will be tuning into the Spiritual Design of your ideal business, so that you can create and manifest it in a way that is fully aligned with you –  in a way that feels energising, joyful and fulfilling.

In the quantum field everything already exists and so your ideal business also already exists – and we will be introducing you to the Spiritual Design MAP that will help you to navigate the process of bringing it from the quantum field into physical form, as well as the Body Ready System that will help your body to receive your manifestations, in 20 minutes or less a day.

Your Program Facilitators: Janine Thorp and Liz Svensson

Who is this for: Conscious, creative, sensitive and intuitive women who are proactive, self-motivated, caring and who know that they can make a bigger difference, and who already have a coaching, healing or service-based business.

Requirement: You’ll need to have doTERRA essential oils to support you during this program.  To order your oils, please contact Janine or Liz.

Date & Time: Starting Thursday, 26th September, 10am Dublin/11amParis for 60 mins

Pay-in-full option: €999  – and receive a bonus personal VIP coaching session with Janine and Liz (value €500)
Pay in instalments option: 3 monthly payments of €333

Trial Month Offer: If you’re paying in instalments, you may join us for the first month and then decide whether you would like to continue or not. If you decide that it’s not for you, then we will simply cancel the 2nd and 3rd instalments.


If you have any questions, or would like to find out more, please email or, and we would be happy to help.

We can’t wait to see you there. 🙂