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Creating Essences

Clarity of Intention:  “I allow this essence to support me to clear the clutter of past intentions and to align with my present highest intention.”

Love:  “I allow this essence to support me to release any heavy energies and to align with the frequencies of unconditional love.”

Grounding:  “I allow this essence to support me to ground my energy, to connect with my body and to be fully in this present moment.”

Expansion:  “I allow this essence to support me in my expansion and evolution, and in my personal and spiritual growth.” 

In Harmony:  “I allow this essence to support me to align with harmony, flow and ease, and to allow myself to be one with all creation.” 

Kinetic:  “I allow this essence to support me to open up to and allow the energy of movement, action and dynamic creation to flow through me.”

Multi-Dimensional:  “I allow this essence to support me to open up to and facilitate multi-dimensional awareness, intelligence, connection and communication.”

Downloading:  “I allow this essence to support me to bring in information, awareness and downloads from my Higher Self, Nature and the Universe.”

Implementing:  “I allow this essence to support me to take the inspired action that’s aligned with what the Universe is creating and expressing through me.”

Cohesion:  “I allow this essence to support me to bring everything together and to create form with aligned order, organisation and life vitality.

©JanineThorp All rights reserved.