Welcome to

The Nature Project

An Invitation To Co-create With The Power & Intelligence Of Nature

The Nature Project

The Nature Project is an invitation to work with nature to support ourselves, as well as biodiversity and the environment, to thrive in harmony, balance and stability.

We can work with the Nature Project to bring the qualities of nature into any aspect of our life or into area of our environment to strengthen its energetic balance, stability and vitality. This enhances its health, resilience and ability to thrive and flourish. 

We can call the aspect of our life, or the specific environment that we want to work with nature to support, the ”project” that we are focusing on. This can be anything from our home and garden, to our health, relationships and career, to our creativity, finances, and so much more.

Every project has an energy field that has its own unique order, organisation and life vitality. 

The more vibrant, balanced and stable a project’s energy field is, the more resilient and successful it can be.

Our desire is to work with nature to support our projects as well as the environment in which we live, to be healthy, vibrant, balanced and stable. This creates a ripple effect, not only in our own life but in the world around us too.

There are lots of ways that we can work with The Nature Project. One of these ways is with the Nature Project Process

Below are two of the simplest ways that you can work with the Nature Project Process to get started with bringing balance, stability and vitality into any project that you would like to focus on.

A simple way to get started:

The Nature Project Process

The Nature Project Process is a natural energetic process, or energetic transformation, that can support us to restore the qualities of nature, including the balance, stability and vitality of nature, to any project and aspect of our life or environment that we are focusing on.

We can work with nature and connect with its amazing intelligence via the Nature Project Process, by either supporting a project as a whole, or by supporting its garden and its soil , atmosphere and elements.

Below are a couple of simple ways that you can start to support yourself, your life or your environment as a whole.

The first way is by including the Nature Project Essence, and the second way is by including the frequencies of plants.


The Nature Project for beginners #1

With the Nature Project Essence

The Nature Project Essence contains the natural balancing, stabilising and harmonising energies and patterns of nature. 

Below is a link to download this essence for free. In the audio, I walk you through how you can make it yourself. To make the essence, all you need are a couple of minutes and a glass of water. When you’re ready, then follow the steps below.

>> Click here to request the Nature Project Essence

(For the steps below, you will need to have the Nature Project Essence and about 3 minutes.)

  1. Choose what you want to focus on receiving nature’s support with. This can be your health, your career, your finances, a relationship, your home, etc, and can be something general or specific. Write it down. This is your project. Notice how you feel about this, and any emotions, thoughts or sensations in your body.
  2. When you’re ready say, “I want to set up with nature to do a Nature Project Process for … (name your project) …”
  3. Then putting a few drops of the Essence onto your palm or a clean spoon, say, “I want to shift this Essence to  … (your project) … to support its balance, stability and vitality.” Hold your hand or the spoon out in front of you and wait a few moments for the energetic shift to happen.
  4. Now notice again how you feel about this, and any emotions, thoughts or sensations in your body.
  5. Discard the drops of essence and dry off your hand or spoon.

    Repeat this process once or twice a day for as many days as feels good, to continue to support yourself with this intention or focus. 

The Nature Project For Beginners #2

With the Energies of Plants

The Spirit of Nature EO Essences and pure essential oils offer a way to work with nature by connecting with the frequencies of plants. These will support you to create more nuanced, deeper and more profound shifts. 

These essences and pure essential oils all include the natural healing frequencies and intelligence of plants, which include the balancing, stabilising and harmonising energies of nature.  

You can use the Spirit of Nature EO Essences either with or without physical essential oils, and you can use pure essential oils either with or without the Essences. 

Note that if you’re using essential oils, please ensure that you are only using top quality essential oils, as low quality essential oils do not have the energetic information or frequency that you will need for the Nature Project. 

>> Find out more about the Spirit of Nature EO Essences here 

>> Find out more about the essential oils that I use and recommend here 

(For the steps below, you will need to have the Spirit of Nature EO Essences and/or pure essential oils.   You will need about 5-10 minutes.)

  1. Have a project that you want to focus on, eg your health, your career, your finances, a relationship, your home, etc. This can be something general or can be a specific aspect of any of these. This is your project. Write it down. Notice how you feel about this, and any emotions, thoughts or sensations in your body.
  2. When you’re ready say, “I want to set up with nature to do a Nature Project Process for … (name your project) …”
  3. Intuitively choose an Essence and/or essential oil. (You can also choose using your Sway or kinesiology.) Then either say the affirmation and/or breathe in the aroma of the essential oil. Be present and allow a few moments for your energy to shift and clear.
  4. Notice how you feel in your body and in your energy. If you don’t feel complete, then choose another Essence and/or essential oil. Continue until you feel clear, groundedbalanced and stable.
  5. When you’re ready, notice how you feel about the topic that you’re focusing on, and any emotions, thoughts or sensations in your body.
  6. Repeat once or twice as day, or for as long as feels good, to continue to support yourself with this intention or focus.
A warm

Thank You for Being a Part of The Nature Project!

Thank you for being a part of the Nature Project. With each project that you co-create with nature, the bigger the ripple of harmony, balance and stability you are creating in the world around you.

The Nature Project can support you in much deeper and more expanded ways than is shared here, but simply getting started as described above, gives you a very simple, powerful and beautiful way to bring the balance, stability and vitality of nature into your life and environment.

I recommend starting off with doing the Nature Project Process for your home and garden, or whatever living space you are responsible for, as the environment in which we live has a significant impact on how we feel and on all aspects of our life. If this feels good, then this can be your first project.

I then recommend that your second project can be to support yourself with whatever aspect of your life feels most stressful at this time, or that improving it would make a significant difference to your overall sense of happiness and wellbeing. 

Whatever you choose to start off with, the natural and intrinsic frequencies of Nature are a beautiful and powerful way to support yourself as you connect with and work with nature. 

With love, 

~ Janine ~